Economic importance of mineral resources in India

[ Geography of India ]

Add by: Muthumari | added on : 25-08-2022 03:03 pm
Economic importance of mineral resources in India

Mineral resources constitute a vast potential wealth of our country. The important minerals available in India are – 1. Iron, 2. Manganese, 3. Mica, 4. Bauxite, 5. Gypsum, 6. Titanium, 7. Thorium, 8. Uranium, 9. Chromites.

Economic importance of mineral resources in India


Mineral resources constitute a vast potential wealth of our country. The important minerals available in India are –

1. Iron,

2. Manganese,

3. Mica,

4. Bauxite,

5. Gypsum,

6. Titanium,

7. Thorium,

8. Uranium,

9. Chromites.

These mineral resources if used in a prudent and judicious manner have the powers to convert a developing India into a ‘developed India’.


1. Economic importance of iron: Iron ore plays a key role in the industrialization of a nation. India is rich in iron ore deposits. Most of the iron ores are found nearer to the coal mines and other smelting materials. This advantage helps India to produce iron at very economicaly. Damodar Valley and Chotanagpur regions in Bihar have largest deposits of iron ore in our country. Orissa and Karnataka are other important producers of iron ore in India. India enjoys a great value in the international market. India exports iron mainly to China and Japan.


2. Economic importance of manganese: Eventhough manganese is not a major raw material for any industry, it is used in small quantities in almost all industrial units in their production processes. For these reasons, the mineral is also called ‘jack of all trade’. It is used in almost all the industrial units in small quantities. It is used in significant quantities in iron and steel industries, chemicals and plastic industries and in the manufacture of dry batteries.


3. Economic importance of mica: Mica is a wonder mineral. The mineral is an insulator to heat and electricity. For this reason, mica is used in electrical industry in a significant proportion. Hazaribagh and Gaya districts in Bihar are the main sources of mica deposits in India. The mineral is also found in some parts of Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh.


4. Economic importance of bauxite: Bauxite is the main sources of aluminium. It is called a wonder metal because of wide variety of its application in many industries including aircraft industry. Bauxite deposits are found in many parts of Bihar and some parts of Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.


5. Economic importance of gypsum: Gypsum is a mineral of great economic importance. It is used as a raw material in fertilizer industries. It is also used in the manufacture of cement. These two industries contribute significantly in the economic development of a nation. Thus, Gypsum is a mineral of great economic importance.


6. Economic importance of titanium: Titanium mineral has a great economic significance. It is used in the manufacture of decorative paints and also in the manufacture of high-speed steel.


7. Economic importance of thorium: Thorium is one of the mineral resources used in the generation of atomic energy. It is widely distributed in Kerala and Maharashtra.


8. Economic importance of uranium: Uranium has a great significance in the generation of nuclear energy. Uranium deposits are found in Singhbhum district in Bihar, Udaipur district in Rajasthan and Chickmagalur district in Karnataka.


9. Economic importance of chromite: Chromite is used in the manufacture of stainless steel. Chromium is obtained from chromite. Chromium is used in the electroplating, dyeing and paint manufacturing industries. Bihar, Karnataka and Orissa are the principal suppliers of chromite ores.


10. Economic importance of other minerals: Most of the non-ferrous metals including copper, zinc and tin have great economic importance. Silicones, limestones, clays, are used in the manufacture of glass, pottery, tiles and pipes. These products find variety of uses in our day-to-day life.


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