
Festivals of India

[ Festivals of India ]

Add by: Muthumari | added on : 26-08-2022 01:17 am

Muharram is the first month of Islamic calendar and the most sacred of all. As soon as the new moon appears, people assemble at a meeting place and recite the 'fatihah'.


The legend dates back to many centuries ago (approximately October 680 GE). Hazrat Imam Hussain (the grandson of the Holy Prophet), his family members and a number of his followers were on a journey. They reached a place known as Karbala in Iraq. When they were on the bank of the river Euphrates, they were stopped by the forces ofYazid I, the Muslim ruler of the time. “You will have to pay allegiance to the Caliph and submit to his authority!” said the armed men.

The Caliph was an irresponsible man, always involved in the earthly pleasures, and Hazrat Imam Hussain was aware of it. So, he decided to stand up to defend Islam. He refused to submit to the Caliph and said, “Your Caliph is deviating from the Islamic way of life.” This resistance invoked anger in the armed forces and they attacked Hazrat Imam Hussain and his men. A severe battle ensued in which Hazrat Imam Hussain and all his family members were killed.

That gloomy day was the 10th of Muharram. Hazrat Imam Hussain had raised his voice for a noble cause. But the anti-lslamic forces caused a cruel end to him. For this reason, every year the Muslim world mourns the death of Hazrat Imam Hussain, his family and his army, who lost their lives at the battleground of Karbala. Hussain's father, Ali and elder brother, 'Hasan' are specially remembered during this period as having suffered and died for a righteous cause. The festival of mourning starts on the 1 st day of Muharram and lasts for 10 days.

Muharram is the first month of Islamic calendar and the most sacred of all. As soon as the new moon appears, people assemble at a meeting place and recite the 'fatihah'. They have some rice, sugar and juice in Hussain's name to feel the terrible thirst that Hussain and his family had to suffer. Later, this food and juice is distributed to the poor. Some people light fire and fence across it with sticks or swords. They wail and weep, recalling all the events that led to Hazrat Hussain's martyrdom.

Poets recite elegiac poems (marsiyas) describing the heartless way in which Yazid's men killed Hussain, his family and followers. These recitals stir up the emotions of the listeners. They rise from their places, slapping their chest with grief. Some of them even curse Yazid, the caliph responsible for Hussain's death.

From the seventh to the tenth of Muharram, people take out processions, carrying colourfully decorated 'Taziyas' (bamboo and paper replicas of Imam Hussain's tomb at Karbala). The Taziyas are embellished with gilt and mica. People walk barefooted behind the Taziya. To show their grief, they slap their chests and cry out the name of Hasan and Hussain. Young men sometimes whip themselves so hard that it draws blood out of their body. Wrestlers and dancers enact scenes depicting the battle at Karbala.

Some people make personal mourning houses instead of coming out on the streets. At some places, people hold separate processions to mourn the death of Hasan's son Qasim, who was slain shortly after his wedding. A white horse is included in the procession, which represents the bridal horse of Qasim. Remembering the tragedy, people lament:-“Bridegroom! Bridegroom!”

The tenth day of Muharram is called the 'Ashura'. It is believed to be the actual date of death of Hussain. After the nine days of mourning, people become deeply involved in the festival. They get sad and frustrated over the injustice done to Hazrat Imam Hussain and his family. They indulge in self-infliction with strong chains and sharp blades. All the while, they keep crying in rhythm: “Ya Hasan! Ya Hussain!”

The Taziyas are taken to a ground called Karbala, which is set apart for this purpose. The mourners then dig graves and bury the Taziyas. At some places, the Taziyas are stripped and thrown into the water. Many people observe a fast on the tenth day because they believe that heaven and hell, life and death, fate and the pen were created on this day.

On the evening of the twelfth day, people read the holy Quran. They keep awake the whole night, reciting verses in honour of Hazrat Imam Hussain. The sacred month of Muharram marks the beginning of the Muslim year. So, many people travel to Karbala in Iraq for pilgrimage. It emphasises honesty, straightforwardness, sacrifice, good governance and charity.

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