
Festivals of India

[ Festivals of India ]

Add by: Muthumari | added on : 30-08-2022 12:55 am

Thousands of years ago, there lived Hazrat Muhammad. One night as he was lost in meditation, the Angel Gabriel came to him and said, “The God Almighty has chosen you as His messengerto all mankind.


Thousands of years ago, there lived Hazrat Muhammad. One night as he was lost in meditation, the Angel Gabriel came to him and said, “The God Almighty has chosen you as His messengerto all mankind. And He has sent me to teach you the way of worship and the conduct of prayer. Listen carefully...”

And then the angel revealed the message of the holy Quran to Hazrat Muhammad. Those were the days of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

Since then, the devout Muslims all over the world observe a fast every day during this month.

The festival of Ramzan falls on the new moon day marking the end of Ramadan. It also marks the beginning of 'Shawwal1, the tenth lunar month of the Islamic calendar.

’Ramzan1 means the ’festival of breaking the fast'. It is also called Eid-al-Fitr. Throughout the month of Ramadan, the Muslims observe a strict fast during the day. They take food only after sunset and before sunrise.

The early morning food is called ’Sehri’, which is generally wholesome and eaten in groups.

When the first call for prayer is heard from the mosques, the children and men set to the mosques to offer the regular worship 1 Namaz1. Those who stay at their houses recite the holy Quran.

After prayers, people carry out their normal daily affairs. However, all types of entertainments and ceremonies are shunned during this period. People dedicate themselves completely to Allah. They say their prayers at all the prescribed times.

At the time of sunset, the call for the evening prayers is heard from the mosques. People recite the evening Namaz. Immediately after this, they break their daylong fast. It is called 1 Iftar’ and the food taken is called ’Iftari’.

At first, the fast is broken with a sip of water, a few dates and some fruits. Special delicacies like ’kebabs’ and boiled grams are taken after this. Other favourites are sweet meats and lentils.

The 29 or 30 days of the month of Ramadan are thus passed. With the appearance of the new moon, comes the end of the fasting period.

Now is the time to celebrate. Ramzan brings happiness and festivity. Everyone gets up early in the morning, takes bath, wears new clothes and goes to the mosque for Eid prayers.

Many people prefer to wear white clothes because white is the colour of peace and purity. An important aspect of Eid is the charity, which all the Muslims are expected to offer to the needy and the poor.

Some people make these offerings in the form of food and clothes, while some others prefer to give cash. They believe that those who do not give alms on this day will not go to heaven after death.

The most important part of the festival is the community prayer, generally held in a mosque or in an open space. This prayer is called 'Ibadat'. After the prayer, a sermon is delivered for about an hour.

Then comes the time to socialize. People visit their friends and relatives and enjoy the special delicacies, beverages and desserts.

The special sweet, which is a 'must' and is prepared in every Muslim house is 'Sheerkurma’.

It is considered unholy to fast on this day. People also exchange gifts on this occasion. The day is spent in feasting and outing.

Children like to go to the fairs which are held in open spaces. Ramzan is a day of joy and thanksgiving.

On this day, Muslims thank Allah for the health and strength that He bestowed on them to carry out the month-long fasting.

They also thank Him for the good deeds they could perform during the month of Ramadan.

Fasting during Ramadan is believed to be a way of coming closer to Allah. It purifies one's soul and helps develop self-control.

Another benefit is that, by fasting one can experience hunger and develop compassion for the less fortunate. The festival of Ramzan also expresses goodwill and friendship.

On this day, people forget old grudges and abandon all ill feelings towards others. Even Hindus join the celebrations and greet their Muslim friends with enthusiasm and fervour.

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