Types of natural vegetation of India

[ Geography of India ]

Add by: Muthumari | added on : 21-08-2022 04:08 am
Types of natural vegetation of India

Natural vegetation means forests. The Forests in India are classified as- 1. Tropical Evergreen forests, 2. Tropical Deciduous forests, 3. Thorn and Scrub forests, 4. Mangrove forests and 5. Himalayan forests.

Types of natural vegetation of India


Natural vegetation means forests. The Forests in India are classified as-

1. Tropical Evergreen forests,

2. Tropical Deciduous forests,

3. Thorn and Scrub forests,

4. Mangrove forests and

5. Himalayan forests.


1. The Tropical Evergreen Forests:

The forests that are found in the regions having annual rainfall of more than 200cm are called Tropical Evergreen Forests. Tropical evergreen forests are found in the western slopes of the Western Ghats, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and some parts ofNorth Eastern India. Teak, ebony, mahogany, bamboo, rubber, rosewood and ironwood are the most commonly found trees in the tropical evergreen forests. The trees of the evergreen forests grow thickly as high as 60m and prevent the sun rays reaching the surface of the ground.


2. The Tropical Deciduous Forests:

The Tropical deciduous forests are also called Monsoon forests. These forests are found in the tropical regions having the range of annual rainfall of 100-200 cm. Monsoon forests are found in large areas of peninsular India and some parts of northern India. Teak, sandalwood, deodar, sisam, salwood and redwood are the most commonly found trees in the monsoon forests. The trees of the monsoon forests shed their leaves during every summer. Fresh leaves grow on these trees as soon as monsoon brings rainfall.


3. Thorn and Scrub Forests:

Thorn and Scrub forests are found in the regions having the range of annual rainfall of 50 and 100 cm. Only thorny trees such as babul, kikhar and the acacia are found in these forests. These forests are found in many parts of the Deccan regions and some parts of north-western India. Palmyra is the special type of tree found in the Deccan regions.


4. Mangrove Forests:

The forests that are found in the tropical and sub-tropical coastal lines and the Gangetic delta regions in West Bengal are called mangrove forests.

These forests are also found in the sheltered estuaries, regions of backwater and salt marshes. In Tamil Nadu mangrove forests are found in Vedaranyam and Pichavaram regions.

Mangrove forests of the Gangetic Delta are called Sunderbans on account of the abundant growth of‘Sundari’ trees in these forests. These trees have protruding or aerial roots and have the capacity to absorb oxygen in order to survive.in salt-water conditions.


5. The Himalayan Forests:

The forests that are found in the Himalayan regions are Himalayan forests. The slopes of the Siwalik regions of the Himalayas have Tropical Evergreen forests, the slopes of Himadri have Scrubs and the Himachal regions have Tropical deciduous forests. The trees of these forests differ in their height depending on .the altitude of the place. Pine,oak, silver, fir, cedar, chestnut, walnut, apple, apricot, and peach trees are found in Himachal regions. Bamboo and Sal trees are found in the slopes of the Siwalik ranges. Pine trees are found in the Himadri regions. Indian maple trees grow well on the Kashmir valley.


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